Running a marathon

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A week in running

Last Saturday, we took it easy and ran 8 miles. I think those might have been the easiest eight miles I've ever run. I went running with Lindsay on Wedesday, and again, it flew by. Wasn't the easiest (it was raining) but it still wasn't bad.

Today, we ran 14 miles. I've finally passed the half marathon mark. I can't say that it was easy, but it sure wasn't as hard as I had expected it to be! We did the Hard Times loop again, but it didn't seem as hard.

Could I be getting stronger?!?

Next weekend...16 miles!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hard times

That's the trail we ran today. 12 miles. Sorry I've been slack in updating (last Saturday, we ran 10 miles, and I felt great!)

Today's run kicked my butt. I've never felt so horrible, yet so good finishing.

I've started using PowerBar gels. They're interesting, and they do help a little for energy and with my body not cramping up so much. I have to look for those online, because I hear you can get a discount on some websites...

But, the run. Hard. Uphill about the first six miles. I've never wanted to quit so much in my life, but it's hard to do that if you're running for the cause.

And, speaking of the cause, if you want to donate to LLS - and support me! - you can do so here.