Running a marathon

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I finished the race. Read on if you really want to hear about it!

Thursday night was met with no sleep. We arrived in Nashville around midnight, and I was exhausted, but I was also anxious. No sleep. I got up at 7 a.m. and went for a jog (like 10 minutes) with Margi. I love downtown Nashville, and the suite we ended up with at the DoubleTree was AWESOME. Apparently, they had given our room to someone else, and we ended up with a super huge room, on the same floor as the pool. So, Friday was spent at the Expo, getting the registration stuff, buying tshirts, going to a Team in Training pasta party, swimming, and trying to relax. I went to bed at 9:15, and I was OUT. I woke up at 4 a.m. Saturday morning...

I can't really say I was nervous, but deep down, I kind of was. I got to the starting line area around 5 a.m. and at 6:50 a.m., I happened to look over and there was Becky - one of the girls I had trained with. She spotted me first, and let me say that God totally set this one up. She didn't stay with the rest of the TNT crew, she was supposed to be in a different corral, and I haven't spoken to her in about three weeks, but there she was. We got together, moved her to my corral (15) and then agreed we would run together the entire way. If we got separated, we'd just yell for each other!

Around 7:30, we finally started. We ran each mile, and walked 60 seconds at the start of every mile. Saving our legs, and stuff. I had a small bottle of Gatorade that I carried with me, and I was sure I wouldn't get dehydrated. I choked down Accelarade at every chance we had - that stuff was gross, but so helped in the end.

We felt awesome. There were times that we had to slow ourselves down, but we cheered each other on, cheered for other TNT runners, danced as we ran by different stages, and had the BEST TIME. At mile 11, the half marathoners went on there way, while the other 7000 of us continued on. I saw Adrienne (who has helped me with the fundraising, and planning stuff) and Alice (my coach during the race.) Alice ran along with us for about a half mile, and talked about how great we looked. Becky and I wanted to look *hot* for the finish line - we were getting our pictures taken together, you know. So, on we went. Mile 15 was boring. We were within this "park" that was some industrial/natural gas park, and there were no supporters. That sucked. By mile 17, people were starting to fall down. We jogged by one guy, asked him if he was okay, and then he vomitted. Gross. We immediately turned to a volunteer and yelled at her to get the medical team over there.

The medical tables were so great. They helped Becky with a foot injury that appeared around mile 5, and they helped me with blisters. We probably spent a total thirty minutes with the med tables along the way. But, who cared? We were going to finish.

Mile 18, we saw Alice again - and again, it was awesome. The entire time, there was someone cheering us on - especially Team in Training people. They were SO GREAT. So helpful. I needed to hear my name!

Mile 20 hit, and we were in new territory. We had never run more than 20 miles. Mile 21 was good. We met a guy from Orlando, Florida who talked to us for a while. Mile 22, we were searching for Accelerade. We were definitely slowing down. We then talked to a runner from Irmo, South Carolina. Irmo was having some trouble, and I offered him some of my drink. He was apprehensive - not sure if I REALLY wanted him to take it, but I told him I wouldn't offer it, if I didn't want him to have it! All of us out there at that point were like old friends. It was tough. So, Irmo came around, and we moved on. Mile 23 was a little harder and then by mile 24, we started getting a second wind. Alice caught up with us at mile 25. She said we looked great - again, very important. We needed to look hot for the cameras. At about mile 25.3 or so, we could see the top of the stadium, and we could hear the crowd. I had to tell Becky to slow down - there was no way we were going to finish and then throw up. We needed to finish strong, WITHOUT throwing up.

At mile 25, I looked at Becky and said "we're actually doing this!!" I couldn't believe it. With about two tenths of a mile remaining, there were a TON of people cheering us on, and I ditched the water bottle. I heard my name - I heard Kenny, but couldn't see him - and Becky and I finished together. Literally, held our hands in the air and finished at the exact same time - 5 hours and 32 minutes.

I found Margi and Kenny, we called my mom (who couldn't track me online because she had the wrong bib number) and then headed back to the hotel. My camera batteries were dead - Kenny thought I would finish much earlier and wanted to take pictures, but the camera died. I relaxed in the pool and then we headed out to eat after our showers. We ended up in the bar area of the hotel, where I ate chicken fingers, french fries, chips and spinach and artichoke dip. It was awesome. But, then I started shaking. I thought I was just cold. Oh, did I mention I forgot my sunscreen? Yep. I'm severely burned.

Anyway, Margi had headed back to the room to nap - she wasn't feeling well - and we went back after eating. I tried to lay down, but I kept shaking. Around 5:15, Adrienne called me about something, and I mentioned to her that I was a little shaky. She had me go to her room, to meet Alice, and assess the situation. A doctor was called, which in turn lead to an ambulance at the hotel and two paramedics at my hotel room by 5:45. I declined the ride in the ambulance, and was driven (by Adrienne) to the Emergency Room at Baptist Hospital.

Kenny wasn't too happy about the trip.

They determined that my blood sodium levels were a little low, and proceeded to hook me up to an IV for fluids - but not before three veins were blown in the process. By 8:30 p.m., I was heading out of the ER, on my way to the TNT victory party. It cost me $150, a lot of bruising and four bandages, but I was on my way...and the doctors were cool enough to let me take some photos. Thanks Robert and Trey!

Me and Robert:

Me and Trey - I look HUGE!!

The experience was AMAZING. And, I can't wait to do it again...just not this year. Maybe a half marathon in September, but today my legs are like lead. And, it doesn't help that I'm sunburned. But, I'll definitely do it again!

Ah, and what I was left with...first, the left arm:

Then, the right arm:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Are you nervous?

That seems to be the question of the week. Everyone who knows I'm running this weekend has asked, "are you nervous about running?" that you mention it. I'm scared out of my mind. I was fine before yesterday. No, I wasn't nervous. I was excited. As of last night, I haven't slept much and I'm freaking scared. How do you think I'm going to feel Saturday morning? Have you ever been around 32,000 other people who can probably kick your butt in a race? Have you ever run 26.2 miles? I haven't either. It's a new challenge, and YES, thanks to everyone asking me and making me realize just what a huge deal it is, I'm nervous.

And, scared.

Here's to hoping I can sleep tonight. I need the rest.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Less than a week

I have less than a week - only five nights of sleep - less than six days - until I run my marathon. It's pretty scary. I've run into several people who are running the Country Music Half Marathon, and tonight I met a girl who ran a marathon in February. The comments she made about how much miles 24-26 are going to suck stick out in my mind the most.

I'm not going to wear my iPod during the race - there are going to be more than 50 bands out on the course, so I don't think there will be a need. Who knows? I may change my mind before Saturday morning.

I ran my last "long" run this past Saturday. I ran 10 miles. I felt great. I still feel good. Besides a cold that I've been fighting off, I don't think I've ever felt better. I'm going to run this thing, if it kills me...which it may!

My ten miles this weekend was done by myself. Nobody who is running with me on Saturday showed up to our practice. It wasn't so bad, actually. I entertained myself for just under two hours, though I had Will Hoge on the iPod to help me through it. That's why I'm thinking that I may change my mind about my music. What better way to get through this ordeal, than with Will in my head?

Anyway, just a few more days. I'm not sure if I'll take my laptop to Nashville, or not, but I'll definitely update on Sunday.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I ran 10 miles last weekend - by myself. I was in Lake Waccamaw and we plotted out five miles - and then I could turn around and run back to the house. The first five miles were easy. A little freaky, because I was scared the alligators were going to jump out of the canal and eat me, but the scenery was pretty. Lots of pretty houses, and I was right on the lake (lake on one side, canal on the other side of me.)

Miles six through ten sucked. The wind was terrible (the weather decided to turn all crazy in April) and I had nobody to talk to. I'm used to the group of runners.

It's supposed to rain this weekend - I'm hoping it'll hold off until Saturday afternoon. If it looks too threatening, I'll run my 14 miles myself.

In good TNT news, I've almost met my goal! With all of the donations, and company matching gifts, I'm $60 short of my goal of $2200. That's AWESOME, and it makes me feel so much better about running in TWO WEEKS. Of course, if you want to donate, visit

Till next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The big 2-0

20 miles. That's what I ran last Saturday. TWENTY. That's further than the distance between my house and old college. That's only 16.

My foot still hurts from Saturday. Lots of ice is being used, but I'm still sore. The run itself wasn't so fantastic, but I made it through the distance. Barely.

And, I'm just a few hundred dollars from reaching my goal for Team in Training. If you want to donate, you still have time - and all donations are helpful :) In less than a month I will be considered a marathon runner. Pretty intense!

I'm going to be at Kenny's parents house this weekend, for my ten mile run. I'm hoping I don't see any alligators hanging out in the canal as I run.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Next up

I feel better - The ice packs have definitely helped, and I've steered clear from running since Sunday morning.

I'm going to try to run a few miles this evening - I'm hoping everything will be okay. If all goes well, I'll try for an hour tomorrow. This Saturday isn't a very long day - only 10 miles - so technically, it's an "easy" run.

My marathon is in about 6 weeks - April 28. I still can't believe it...but I can't wait to get it behind me!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


When I woke up this morning, I noticed that both of my legs were sore - and my right leg pops whenever I take a step (especially on inclines.) Not a good feeling. When I met up with the group, I mentioned the popping to someone, who then informed me that it's my achilles tendons - again, not a good feeling, and definitely something you don't want to injure.

I've been banned from running for a few days, and am now using ice packs like crazy. I only have about 6 weeks left for training - now is NOT a good time to get hurt!